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I understand that the use of firearms is inherently dangerous and that any unsafe use of them could result in death or serious bodily harm. As a prerequisite to enrollment, I agree to follow all safety rules set forth by my CCH/NRA Instructor and that my willful disregard of them will result in my dismissal from class, without reimbursement of my tuition. I will not use drugs or alcohol preceding or during class.
I further agree to hold Michael R Kelley or SAFETY.LLC harmless for any accidents or injuries, which may occur while in class or at the range. I agree to report any safety violations that I may witness to my Instructor immediately so that we can take immediate action to ensure the safety of other students.
I affirm that I possess fundamental firearms knowledge regarding sage handling, storage and cleaning prior to attending this class.
Please do not bring your firearms into the classroom.
Please leave all firearms in a locked/secured vehicle until qualifying.
Payment expected at the time services are rendered.